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[Notes] CSCI 585 Database Performance Tuning and Query Optimization

Credit to: Prof. Saty Raghavachary, CSCI 585, Spring 2020

Chapter 11


  • Basic database performance-tuning concepts
  • How a DBMS processes SQL queries
  • About the importance of indexes in query processing
  • About the types of decisions the query optimizer has to make
  • Some common practices used to write efficient SQL code
  • How to formulate queries and tune the DBMS for optimal performance

Database Performance-Tuning


  • Goal of database performance is to execute queries as fast as possible
  • Database performance tuning: Set of activities and procedures that reduce response time of database system
  • Fine-tuning the performance of a system requires that all factors must operate at optimum level with minimal bottlenecks

Client and Server

  • Client side
    • SQL performance tuning: Generates SQL query that returns correct answer in least amount of time
      • Using minimum amount of resources at server
  • Server side
    • DBMS performance tuning: DBMS environment configured to respond to clients’ requests as fast as possible
      • Optimum use of existing resources

DBMS Architecture

  • All data in a database are stored in data files
    • Data files automatically expand in predefined increments known as extends
  • Data files are grouped in file groups or table spaces
    • Table space or file group: Logical grouping of several data files that store data with similar characteristics
  • Data cache or buffer cache: Shared, reserved memory area
    • Stores most recently accessed data blocks in RAM
  • SQL cache or procedure cache: Stores most recently executed SQL statements or PL/SQL procedures, Thus SQL commends don’t needs to be recompile again.
  • DBMS retrieves data from permanent storage and places them in RAM
  • Input/output request: Low-level data access operation that reads or writes data to and from computer devices
  • Data cache is faster than working with data files
  • Majority of performance-tuning activities focus on minimizing I/O operations

Figure 11.1 - Basic DBMS Architecture

  • Listener: The listener processed listens for clients’ requests and handles the processing of the SQL requests to other DBMS process. Once a request is received, the listener passes the request to the appropriate user process.
  • User: The DBMS creates a user process to manage each client session. Therefore, when you log on to the DBMS, you are assigned a user process. This process handles all requests you submit to the server. There are many user processes-at least on per logged-in client.
  • Scheduler: The scheduler process organizes the concurrent execution of SQL requests.
  • Lock manager: This process manages all locks placed on database objects, including disk pages
  • Optimizer: The optimizer process analyzes SQL queries and finds the most efficient way to access the data.

Database Query Optimization Modes

  • Algorithms proposed for query optimization are based on:
    • Selection of the optimum order to achieve the fastest execution time
    • Selection of sites to be accessed to minimize communication costs
  • Evaluated on the basis of:
    • Operation mode
    • Timing of its optimization
    • Type of information (used for optimization)

Classification of Operation Modes

  • Automatic query optimization: DBMS finds the most cost-effective access path without user intervention
  • Manual query optimization: Requires that the optimization be selected and scheduled by the end user or programmer

Classification Based on Timing of Optimization

  • Static query optimization: best optimization strategy is selected when the query is compiled by the DBMS
    • Takes place at compilation time
    • Best for embedded queries
  • Dynamic query optimization: Access strategy is dynamically determined by the DBMS at run time, using the most up-to-date information about the database
    • Takes place at execution time; more processing o’head

Classification Based on Type of Information Used to Optimize the Query

  • Statistically based query optimization algorithm: Statistics are used by the DBMS to determine the best access strategy
  • Statistical information is generated by DBMS through:
    • Dynamic statistical generation mode - auto eval
    • Manual statistical generation mode - via user
  • Rule-based query optimization algorithm: based on a set of user-defined rules to determine the best query access strategy

Table 11.2 - Sample Database Statistics Measurements

Query Processing

  • Parsing
    • DBMS parses the SQL query and chooses the most efficient access/execution plan (including optimizations)
  • Execution
    • DBMS executes the SQL query using the chosen execution plan (including fetch data form back end and calculate)
  • Fetching
    • DBMS fetches the data and sends the result set back to the client

Query Processing

SQL Parsing Phase

  • Query is broken down into smaller units
  • Original SQL query is transformed into slightly different version of the original SQL code which is fully equivalent and more efficient
  • Query optimizer: Analyzes SQL query and finds most efficient way to access data
  • Access plans: DBMS-specific and translate client’s SQL query into a series of complex I/O operations
  • If access plan already exists for query in SQL cache, DBMS reuses it
    • If not, optimizer evaluates various plans and chooses one to be placed in SQL cache for use

SQL Execution Phase

Note that ‘execution’ here refers to executing the access plan, ie. fetching/sending data from/to the backend database - it does not refer to executing your SQL query. Query execution occurs in the next step (the ‘fetching’ step).

  • All I/O operations indicated in the access plan are executed
    • Locks are acquired
    • Data are retrieved and placed in data cache
    • Transaction management commands are processed

SQL Fetching Phase

  • Rows of resulting query result set are returned to client
    • DBMS may use temporary table space to store temporary data
    • Database server coordinates the movement of the result set rows from the server cache to the client cache

Query Processing Bottlenecks

  • Delay introduced in the processing of an I/O operation that slows the system
  • Caused by the:
    • CPU - slow processor, rogue processes.
    • RAM - shared among running processes
    • Hard disk - disk speed, transfer rates
    • Network - bandwidth shared among clients
    • Application code - bad user code, poor db design

Indexes and Query Optimization

The reason for using an index is simple - provided we incur an upfront cost of creating (computing) one, runtime lookup costs using the index are vastly cheaper than doing full searches through non-indexed rows.

Eg. given this book, find all the places that discuss table updating..

  • Indexes
    • Help speed up data access
    • Facilitate searching, sorting, using aggregate functions, and join operations
    • Ordered set of values that contain the index key and pointers
    • More efficient than a full table scan

Indexes types

  • Data sparsity: Number of different values a column could have (low sparsity => index might be useless)
  • Data structures used to implement indexes:
    • Hash indexes
    • B-tree indexes
    • Bitmap indexes
  • DBMSs determine best type of index to use Example of low sparsity: STU_SEX gender column in a table is either M or F, so indexing this is useless (we’d only have 2 keys, each with 1000s of records!). On the other hand, DOB is a column with relatively higher sparsity, and is worth creating an index for..

A hash index is based on an ordered list of hash values, computed from a key column, using a hashing algorithm - it is much faster to search through the hash values than search the columns. Each hash value then points to the actual (column) data.

A user query (eg. LNAME=”Johnson”) is converted to a hash ‘key’ which is then used to search through the pre-computed list of hash values and retrieve an exact match or a small set of values that are all stored with the same key (as a result of ‘hash collision’).

B-tree index, bitmap index

Index Selectivity

Index selectivity: a measure of how likely an index will be used in a query. So we strive to create indexes that have high selectivity..

Indexes are useful when:

  • an indexable column occurs in a WHERE or HAVING search expression
  • an indexable column appears in a GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause
  • MAX or MIN is applied to an indexable column
  • there is high data sparsity on an indexable column

Worth creating indexes on single columns that appear in WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY, GROUP BY and join conditions.

  • Measure of the likelihood that an index will be used in query processing
  • Indexes are used when a subset of rows from a large table is to be selected based on a given condition
  • Index cannot always be used to improve performance
  • Function-based index: Based on a specific SQL function of expression (eg. EMP_SALARY+EMP_COMMISSION)

Optimizer Choices

  • Rule-based optimizer: Uses preset rules and points to determine the best approach to execute a query
  • Cost-based optimizer: Uses algorithms based on statistics about objects being accessed to determine the best approach to execute a query

Using Hints to Affect Optimizer Choices

  • Optimizer might not choose the best execution plan (try to create them again)
    • Makes decisions based on existing statistics, which might be old
    • Might choose less-efficient decisions
  • Optimizer hints: Special instructions for the optimizer, embedded in the SQL command text

Table 11.5 - Optimizer Hints

SQL Performance Tuning

  • Evaluated from client perspective
    • Most current relational DBMSs perform automatic query optimization at the server end
    • Most SQL performance optimization techniques are DBMS-specific and thus rarely portable
  • Majority of performance problems are related to poorly written SQL code

Conditional Expressions

  • Expressed within WHERE or HAVING clauses of a SQL statement
    • Restricts the output of a query to only rows matching conditional criteria
  • Guidelines to write efficient conditional expressions in SQL code
    • Use simple columns or literals as operands
    • Numeric field comparisons are faster than character, date, and NULL comparisons
  • Equality comparisons are faster than inequality comparisons (do equality first)
  • Transform conditional expressions to use literals
  • Write equality conditions first when using multiple conditional expressions
  • When using multiple AND conditions, write the condition most likely to be false first
  • When using multiple OR conditions, put the condition most likely to be true first
  • Avoid the use of NOT logical operator

Query Formulation

All of the above can be summarized like so: “know what you want, then find a good way to get it” [what do we want to return/compute/generate, how to best go about it (what SQL constructs to use, on what data)].

  • Identify what columns and computations are required
  • Identify source tables
  • Determine how to join tables
  • Determine what selection criteria are needed
  • Determine the order in which to display the output

DBMS Performance Tuning

  • Managing DBMS processes in primary memory and the structures in physical storage
  • DBMS performance tuning at server end focuses on setting parameters used for:
    • Data cache
    • SQL cache
    • Sort cache
    • Optimizer mode
  • In-memory database: Store large portions of the database in primary storage
  • Recommendations for physical storage of databases:
    • Use RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) to provide a balance between performance improvement and fault tolerance
    • Minimize disk contention
    • Put high-usage tables in their own table spaces
    • Assign separate data files in separate storage volumes for indexes, system, and high-usage tables More info.. If you’d like more detail (MySQL-related, but the overall ideas are non-DB-specific), read this doc..