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[Notes] CSCI 567 lec5 Kernel Methods

Credit to: Prof. Yan Liu, CSCI567, Spring 2020


  • Motivation
  • Dual formulation of linear regression
  • Kernel Trick


(kernel trick provide computational convenience)

Recall the question: how to choose nonlinear basis $\phi: \mathbb{R}^D \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M$ ?

  • neural network is one approach: learn $\phi$ from data (more data driven)
  • kernel method is another one: sidestep the issue of choosing $\phi$ by using kernel functions. it is predefined

Case study: regularized linear regression

Kernel methods work for many problems and we take regularized linear regression as an example.

\[\boldsymbol{w}^* =\arg\max_w F(\boldsymbol{w}) = (\boldsymbol{\Phi^Tw } + \lambda\boldsymbol{I})^{-1}\boldsymbol{\Phi^Ty}\]

where operate in space $\mathbb{R}^M$ and $M$ could be huge for computation

let the fradient of $F(\boldsymbol{w})= |\boldsymbol{\Phi w - y}|^2_2 +\lambda |\boldsymbol{w}|^2_2$ (primal form) to be 0:

\[\boldsymbol{\Phi^T(\Phi w - y)} + \lambda\boldsymbol{w} = 0\]


\[\boldsymbol{w}^* = \frac{1}{\lambda} \mathbf{\Phi}^T(\boldsymbol{y}- \mathbf{\Phi}\boldsymbol{w}^*) = \mathbf{\Phi}^T\boldsymbol{\alpha} = \sum^N_{n=1} \alpha_n \phi(\boldsymbol{x}_n)\]

Thus the least square solution is a linear combination of features!

Note this is true for perceptron and many other problems.

Assuming we know $\alpha$, the prediction of $w^*$ on a new example $\boldsymbol{x}$ is

\[y = \boldsymbol{w}^{*T}\phi(\boldsymbol{x}) = \sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_n\phi(\boldsymbol{x}_n)^T\phi(\boldsymbol{x})\]

Therefore we do not really need to know $\boldsymbol{w}^*$. Only inner products in the new feature space matter!

Kernel methods are exactly about computing inner products without knowing $\phi$

find $\alpha$ plugging in $\boldsymbol{w} = \boldsymbol{\Phi}^T\boldsymbol{\alpha}$ into $F(\boldsymbol{w})$ gives

\[\begin{aligned} G(\boldsymbol{\alpha}) &= F(\boldsymbol{\Phi}^T\boldsymbol{\alpha}) \\ &=\|\boldsymbol{\Phi}\boldsymbol{\Phi}^T\boldsymbol{\alpha}-\boldsymbol{y}\|^2_2 + \lambda\|\boldsymbol{\Phi}^T\boldsymbol{\alpha}\|^2_2 \\ &=\|\boldsymbol{K\alpha-y}\|^2_2 +\lambda^T\boldsymbol{\alpha^{T} K\alpha} \qquad (\boldsymbol{K=\Phi\Phi}^T) \\ &=\boldsymbol{\alpha^TK^TK\alpha} - 2\boldsymbol{y^TK\alpha}+\lambda \boldsymbol{\alpha^TK\alpha} + \text{cnt.}\\ &=\boldsymbol{\alpha^T} (\boldsymbol{K}^2+\lambda\boldsymbol{K})\boldsymbol{\alpha} - 2\boldsymbol{y^TK\alpha} + \text{cnt.} \qquad (\boldsymbol{K^T=K}) \end{aligned}\]

This is sometime called the dual formulation (convert primal form into a function of another variable) of linear regression.

$\boldsymbol{K}=\Phi\Phi^T \in \mathbb{R}^{N\times N}$ is called Gram matrix or kernel matrix where the $(i, j)$ entry is and $N$ is the number of training cases


Gram matrix vs covariance matrix

dimensions entry $(i,j)$ property
$\Phi\Phi^T$ $N\times N$ (usually bigger) $\boldsymbol{\phi}(\boldsymbol{x}_i)^T\boldsymbol{\phi}(\boldsymbol{x}_j)$ both are symmetric and positive semidefinite
$\Phi^T\Phi$ $M\times M$ $\sum^N_{n=1} \phi(\boldsymbol{x_n})_i\phi(\boldsymbol{x}_n)_j$

to find $\alpha$

Minimize the dual formulation:

\[G(\boldsymbol{\alpha})=\boldsymbol{\alpha^T} (\boldsymbol{K}^2+\lambda\boldsymbol{K})\boldsymbol{\alpha} - 2\boldsymbol{y^TK\alpha} + \text{cnt.}\]

settig the derivative (w.r.t. $\alpha$) to the 0 we have:

\[0 = (\boldsymbol{K}^2+\lambda\boldsymbol{K})\boldsymbol{\alpha}-\boldsymbol{Ky} = \boldsymbol{K}((\boldsymbol{K}+\lambda \boldsymbol{I})\boldsymbol{\alpha}- \boldsymbol{y})\\ \boldsymbol{\alpha} = (\boldsymbol{K}+\lambda\boldsymbol{I})^{-1}\boldsymbol{y}\]

Then we obtain

\[\boldsymbol{w^*=\Phi^T\alpha=\Phi^T(K+\lambda I)^{-1}y}\]

Minimizing$F(w)$ give: $\boldsymbol{w}^*=(\boldsymbol{\Phi^T\Phi } + \lambda\boldsymbol{I})^{-1}\boldsymbol{\Phi^Ty}$

Minimizing $G(\alpha)$ gives: $\boldsymbol{w^*=\Phi^T(K+\lambda I)^{-1}y}$


Then what is the difference?

First, computing $(\boldsymbol{\Phi\Phi^T } + \lambda\boldsymbol{I})^{-1}$ can be more efficient than computing $(\boldsymbol{\Phi^T\Phi } + \lambda\boldsymbol{I})^{-1}$ when $N≤M$.

More importantly, computing $\boldsymbol{K}=(\boldsymbol{\Phi\Phi^T } + \lambda\boldsymbol{I})^{-1}$ also only requires computing inner products in the new feature space! (no need to compute full feature vector after mapping)

Now we can conclude that the exact form of $\phi(·)$ is not essential; all we need is computing inner products $\boldsymbol{\phi}(\boldsymbol{x}_i)^T\boldsymbol{\phi}(\boldsymbol{x}_j)$. (no need to defined specific mapping function)

For some $\phi$ it is indeed possible to compute $\boldsymbol{\phi}(\boldsymbol{x}_i)^T\boldsymbol{\phi}(\boldsymbol{x}_j)$ without computing/knowing $\phi$. This is the kernel trick.

Kernel Trick

Definition: a function $k : \mathbb{R}^D × \mathbb{R}^D → R$ is called a (positive semidefinite) kernel function if there exists a function $\phi : \mathbb{R}^D → \mathbb{R}^M$ so that for any $\boldsymbol{x,x’} \in \mathbb{R}^D$

\[k(\boldsymbol{x,x'}) = \phi(\boldsymbol{x}^T)\phi(\boldsymbol{x'})\]

Using kernel functions

Choosing a nonlinear basis φ becomes choosing a kernel function.

As long as computing the kernel function is more efficient, we should apply the kernel trick.

\[\boldsymbol{K} = \mathbf{\Phi\Phi}^T = \left ( \begin{matrix} k(\boldsymbol{x_1,x_1}) & k(\boldsymbol{x_1,x_2}) & \cdots & k(\boldsymbol{x_1,x_N}) \\ k(\boldsymbol{x_2,x_1}) & k(\boldsymbol{x_2,x_2}) & \cdots & k(\boldsymbol{x_2,x_N}) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ k(\boldsymbol{x_N,x_1}) & k(\boldsymbol{x_N,x_2}) & \cdots & k(\boldsymbol{x_N,x_N}) \end{matrix} \right)\]

In fact, $k$ is a kernel if and only if $\boldsymbol{K}$ is positive semidefinite for any $N$ and any $x_1, x_2, . . ., x_N$ (Mercer theorem).

The prediction on a new example $\boldsymbol{x}$ is

\[\boldsymbol{w}^{*T} \phi(\boldsymbol{x}) = \sum^N_{n=1} \alpha_n\phi(\boldsymbol{x}_n)^T\phi(\boldsymbol{x}) =\sum^N_{n=1}\alpha_nk(\boldsymbol{x_n,x})\]

two most commonly used kernel functions in practice:

Polynomial kernel

\[k(\boldsymbol{x, x'}) = (\boldsymbol{x^Tx'}+c)^d\]

for $c\le0$ and $d$ is a positive integer

Gassian kernel or Radial basis function (RBF) kernel

\[k(\boldsymbol{x, x'}) = e^{-\frac{\|\boldsymbol{x-x'}\|^2_2}{2\sigma^2}}\]

for some $\sigma>0$ Think about what the corresponding $\phi$ is for each kernel.

Composing kernels

Creating more kernel functions using the following rules: If $k1(·, ·)$ and $k2(·, ·)$ are kernels, the followings are kernels too

  • linear combination: $αk_1(·, ·) + βk_2(·, ·) \qquad \text{if } α, β ≥ 0$
  • product: $k_1(·,·)k_2(·,·)$
  • exponential: $e^{k(·,·)}$
  • ···

Verify using the definition of kernel!

Kernel trick is applicable to many ML algorithms:

  • nearest neighbor classifier
  • perceptron
  • logistic regression
  • SVM
  • ···