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[Notes] CSCI 567 lec4 Multiclass Classification and Neural Nets

Credit to: Prof. Yan Liu, CSCI567, Spring 2020


  • Multiclass Classification
  • Neural Nets

Multiclass Classification

More then 2 classes, e.g.,recognizing digits (C = 10) or letters (C = 26 or 52)

Nearest Neighbor Classifier naturally works for arbitrary C.

Multinomial logistic regression

Linear models

For each classes have a group of weight. Think of $\boldsymbol{w}^T_k \boldsymbol{x}$ as a score for class $k$. (one set of weights for each catalog)

\[f(\boldsymbol{x}) = \arg \max_{k\in\{1,2\}} \boldsymbol{w}^T_k \boldsymbol{x}\] \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{F} &= \left\{ f(\boldsymbol{x}) = \arg \max_{k\in\{1,2\}} \boldsymbol{w}^T_k \boldsymbol{x} | \boldsymbol{w}_1, ..., \boldsymbol{w}_C \in\mathbb{R}\right\}\\ &=\left\{ f(\boldsymbol{x}) = \arg \max_{k\in\{1,2\}} (\boldsymbol{W} \boldsymbol{x})_k | \boldsymbol{W} \in\mathbb{R}^{C\times D}\right\} \end{aligned}\]

Probabilistic view

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{P}(y=1|\boldsymbol{x};\boldsymbol{w}) = \sigma(\boldsymbol{w}^T\boldsymbol{x}) &= \frac{1}{1+e^{-(\boldsymbol{w_1-w_2})^T\boldsymbol{x}}} \\ &=\frac{1}{1+e^{-\boldsymbol{w_1}^T\boldsymbol{x}-(-\boldsymbol{w_2}^T\boldsymbol{x})}} \\ & = \frac{e^{\boldsymbol{w_1}^T\boldsymbol{x}}}{e^{\boldsymbol{w_1}^T\boldsymbol{x}} + e^{\boldsymbol{w_2}^T\boldsymbol{x}}} \propto e^{\boldsymbol{w_1}^T\boldsymbol{x}} \end{aligned}\]

Naturally, for multiclass:

\[\mathbb{P}(y=k|\boldsymbol{x};\boldsymbol{W}) = \frac{e^{\boldsymbol{w_k}^T\boldsymbol{x}}}{\sum_{k'\in[C]}e^{\boldsymbol{w_{k'}}^T\boldsymbol{x}}} \propto e^{\boldsymbol{w_k}^T\boldsymbol{x}}\]

This is called the softmax function. (transfer data into probability )

Applying MLE (since the probabilit form is given)

Maximize probability of seeing labels $y_1,…,y_N$ given $\boldsymbol{x}_1,…,\boldsymbol{x}_N$ (all train data set), i.e., calculate the most possible weights for certain train data set.

Join probability (under i.i.d. assumption) (or called $L(\boldsymbol{W})$ likelihood):

\[P(\boldsymbol{W}) = \prod^N_{n=1}\mathbb{P}(y_n|\boldsymbol{x}_n;\boldsymbol{W}) = \prod^N_{n=1}\frac{e^{\boldsymbol{w_{y_n}}^T\boldsymbol{x}}}{\sum_{k\in[C]}e^{\boldsymbol{w_k}^T\boldsymbol{x}}}\]

By taking negative log, this is equivalent to minimizing

\[F(\boldsymbol{W}) = \sum^N_{n=1}\ln(\frac{\sum_{k\in[C]}e^{\boldsymbol{w_k}^T\boldsymbol{x}}}{e^{\boldsymbol{w}^T_{y_n}\boldsymbol{x}}}) = \sum^N_{n=1}\ln \left(1+\sum_{k\ne y_n} e^{(\boldsymbol{w}_k-\boldsymbol{w}_{y_n})^T \boldsymbol{x}_n}\right)\]

This is the multiclass logistic loss, a.k.a cross-entropy loss.

When C = 2, this is the same as binary logistic loss.

Optimization (apply SGD)

$W$ is a $C × D$ matrix. Let’s focus on the $k$-th row: If $k\ne y_n$: (derivative with respect to $\boldsymbol{w}_k$)

\[\begin{aligned} \nabla_{\boldsymbol{w}_k}g(\boldsymbol{W}) & = \frac{e^{(\boldsymbol{w}_k-\boldsymbol{w}_{y_n})^T \boldsymbol{x}_n}} {1+\sum_{k'\ne y_n} e^{(\boldsymbol{w}_{k'}-\boldsymbol{w}_{y_n})^T \boldsymbol{x}_n}} \\ &= \frac{e^{\boldsymbol{w_k}^T\boldsymbol{x}}}{\sum_{k'\in[C]}e^{\boldsymbol{w_{k'}}^T\boldsymbol{x}}} \\ &= \mathbb{P}(y=k|\boldsymbol{x}_n;\boldsymbol{W})\boldsymbol{x}_n^T \end{aligned}\]

$k = y_n$ (derivative wht respect to $\boldsymbol{w}_{y_n}$):

\[\begin{aligned} \nabla_{\boldsymbol{w}_k}g(\boldsymbol{W}) & = \frac{-(\sum_{k'\ne y_n}e^{(\boldsymbol{w'}_k-\boldsymbol{w}_{y_n})^T \boldsymbol{x}_n})} {1+\sum_{k'\ne y_n} e^{(\boldsymbol{w}_{k'}-\boldsymbol{w}_{y_n})^T \boldsymbol{x}_n}} \\ &= (\mathbb{P}(y=k|\boldsymbol{x}_n;\boldsymbol{W})\boldsymbol{x}-1)_n^T \end{aligned}\]

$\mathbb{P}(y=k|\boldsymbol{x}_n;\boldsymbol{W})$ is the probability of correct label. when it getting bigger the error should be bigger.

Initialize $\boldsymbol{W}=0$ (or randomly). Repeat:

  1. pick $n\in [N]$ uniformly at random
  2. update the parameters
\[\boldsymbol{W} \leftarrow \boldsymbol{W} - \eta \left ( \begin{matrix} \mathbb{P}(y=1|\boldsymbol{x}_n;\boldsymbol{W}) \\ \vdots \\ \mathbb{P}(y=y_n|\boldsymbol{x}_n;\boldsymbol{W})-1 \\ \vdots \\ \mathbb{P}(y=\text{C}|\boldsymbol{x}_n;\boldsymbol{W}) \\ \end{matrix} \right) \boldsymbol{x}_n^T\]
Notes on prediction

Having learned W , we can either

  • make a deterministic prediction: $\arg \max_{k\in{[C]}} \boldsymbol{w}^T_k \boldsymbol{x}$
  • make a randomized prediction according to: $\mathbb{P}(k|\boldsymbol{x};\boldsymbol{w}) \propto e^{\boldsymbol{w_1}^T\boldsymbol{x}}$

In either case, (expected) mistake is bounded by logistic loss

  • deterministic
\[\mathbb{I}[f(\boldsymbol{x})\ne y]\le \log_2 (1+\sum_{k\ne y}e^{(\boldsymbol{w}_k-\boldsymbol{w}_y)^T \boldsymbol{x}})\]
  • randomized
\[\mathbb{E}[\mathbb{I}[f(\boldsymbol{x})\ne y]] = 1-\mathbb{P}(y|\boldsymbol{x};\boldsymbol{w}) \le -\ln \mathbb{P}(y|\boldsymbol{x};\boldsymbol{w})\]

Reduction to binary classification

Is there an even more general and simpler approach to derive multiclass classification algorithms?

Given a binary classification algorithm (any one, not just linear methods), can we turn it to a multiclass algorithm, in a black-box manner?

Yes, there are in fact many ways to do it.

  • one-versus-all (one-versus-rest, one-against-all, etc)
  • one-versus-one (all-versus-all, etc)
  • Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOC)
  • tree-based reduction

one-versus-all (OvA)

Idea: train C binary classifiers to learn “is class k or not?” for each k.

Training: for each class $k ∈ [C]$,

  • relabel examples with class k as +1, and all others as −1
  • train a binary classifier hk using this new dataset

Prediction: for a new example x

  • ask each hk: does this belong to class k? (i.e. $h_k(\boldsymbol{x})$)
  • randomly pick among all $k$’s s.t. hk(x) = +1.

Issue: will (probably) make a mistake as long as one of $h_k$ errs. when no classifier give positive we can pick the category gives the largest $h$

One-versus-one (OvO)

adv: finer resolution of different resolution

dis: more computational, less data for each classifier

Idea: train $\left(\begin{matrix}C \ 2\end{matrix}\right)$ binary classifiers to learn “is class k or k′?”.

Training: for each pair $(k, k’)$

  • relabel examples with class k as +1 and examples with class k′ as −1
  • discard all other examples (use the cases in $k$ or $k’$ )
  • train a binary classifier h(k,k′) using this new dataset

Prediction: for a new example $\boldsymbol{x}$

  • ask each classifier h(k,k′) to vote for either class k or k′
  • predict the class with the most votes (break tie in some way)

More robust than one-versus-all, but slower in prediction.

imbalance problem is not a serious for generative classifier model compare to discriminative classifier

Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOC)

Idea: based on a code $\boldsymbol{M} \in {−1, +1}^{C\times L}$ learn “is bit b on or off”. Something between OvO and OvA

Training: for each bit $b \in [L]$. L can be number of classifier

  • relabel example $x_n$ as $M_{y_n,b}$
  • train a binary classifier hb using this new dataset.

Prediction: for a new example x

  • compute the predicted code $c = (h_1(\boldsymbol{x}), . . . , h_L(\boldsymbol{x}))^T$
  • predict the class with the most similar code: $k = \arg\max_k(\boldsymbol{Mc})_k$

How to pick the code M?

  • the more dissimilar the codes between different classes are, the better
  • random code is a good choice, but might create hard training sets

tree-based reduction

Idea: train $\approx$ C binary classifiers to learn “belongs to which half?”.

Training: see pictures

Prediction is also natural, but is very fast! (think ImageNet where C ≈ 20K)


Reduction # of training points test time remark
OvA CN C not robust (compare tp other classifier, i.e. less classifier)
OvO C^2 N C^2 can achieve very small training error
ECOC LN L need diversity when designing code
Tree (log_2C)N log_2C good for “extreme classification

Neural Nets


We can use a nonlinear mapping as discussed: \(\phi(\boldsymbol{x}): \boldsymbol{x}\in \mathbb{R}^D \rightarrow\boldsymbol{z}\in \mathbb{R}^M\) But what kind of nonlinear mapping $\phi$ should be used? Can we actually learn this nonlinear mapping? THE most popular nonlinear models nowadays: neural nets

fig: $o = h(\boldsymbol{w}^T \boldsymbol{x}$ for $h$ we can use

  • linear: $h(a)=a$
  • Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU): $h(a)=\max{0,a}$
  • sigmoid function: $h(a)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-1}}$
  • TanH: $h(a) = \frac{e^a-e^{-a}}{e^a+e^{-a}}$
  • so on

more output node

$\boldsymbol{W}\in \mathbb{R}^{4\times3}, \boldsymbol{h}:\mathbb{R}^4\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^4$ so $\boldsymbol{h}(\boldsymbol{a}) = (h_1(a_1), …, h_4(a_4))$

Can think of this as a nonlinear basis: $\Phi(\boldsymbol{x}) = \boldsymbol{h}(\boldsymbol{Wx})$

more layers


  • each node is called a neuron
  • $h$ is called the activation function
    • can use $h(a) = 1$ for one neuron in each layer to incorporate bias term
    • output neuron can use $h(a) = a$
  • #layers refers to #hidden layers (plus 1 or 2 for input/output layers)
  • deep neural nets can have many layers and millions of parameters
  • this is a feedforward, fully connected neural net, there are many variants

how powerful are neural nets?

Universal approximation theorem (Cybenko, 89; Hornik, 91): A feedforward neural net with a single hidden layer can approximate any continuous functions.

It might need a huge number of neurons though, and depth helps! Designing network architecture is important and very complicated

  • for feedforward network, need to decide number of hidden layers, number of neurons at each layer, activation functions, etc.

An L-layer neural net can be written as

\[\boldsymbol{f(x)} = \boldsymbol{h}_L(\boldsymbol{W}_L\boldsymbol{h}_{L-1}(\boldsymbol{W}_{L-1} \dotsb \boldsymbol{h}_1(\boldsymbol{W}_1\boldsymbol{x})))\]

define recursively:

$\boldsymbol{o_0=x}, \quad \boldsymbol{a_l = W_lo_{l-1}}, \quad \boldsymbol{o_l=h_l(a_l)} \qquad (l = 1, \dotsc, L)$


  • $\boldsymbol{W}l \in\mathbb{R}^{D_l\times D{l-1}}$ is the weights for layer $l$
  • $D_0=D,D_1,\dotsc,D_L$ are numbers of neurons at each layer
  • $\boldsymbol{a}_l \in \mathbb{R}^{D_l}$ is input to layer $l$
  • $\boldsymbol{o}_l$ is output to layer $l$
  • $\boldsymbol{h}: \mathbb{R}^{D_l} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{D_l}$ is activation functions at layer $l$

Back propagation

object: minimize error

\[\mathcal{E}(\boldsymbol{W}_1, \dotsc,. \boldsymbol{W}_L) = \sum^N_{n=1} \mathcal{E}_n(\boldsymbol{W}_1, \dotsc,. \boldsymbol{W}_L)\]


\[\mathcal{E}_n(\boldsymbol{W}_1, \dotsc,. \boldsymbol{W}_L) = \begin{cases} \|\boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{x}_n)-\boldsymbol{y}_n\|^2_2 & \text{for regression} \\ \ln \left(1+\sum_{k\ne y_n} e^{\boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{x}_n)_k - \boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{x}_n)_{y_n}}\right) & \text{for classification} \end{cases}\]

apply SGD! even if the model is nonconvex. Remark SGD works only for some of nonconvex function.

Use chain rule:

  • for a composite function $f(g(w))$
  • \[\frac{\partial f}{\partial w} = \frac{\partial f}{\partial g}\frac{\partial g}{\partial w}\]
  • for a composite function $f(g_1(w), \dotsc, g_d(w))$
\[\frac{\partial f}{\partial w} = \sum^d_{i=1}\frac{\partial f}{\partial g_i}\frac{\partial g_i}{\partial w}\]

Find the derivative of $\mathcal{E}n$ w.r.t. to $w{ij}$

\[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial w_{ij}} = \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_{i}}\frac{\partial a_i}{\partial w_{ij}} =\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_{i}}o_{ij}\] \[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_{i}} = \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial o_{i}}\frac{\partial o_i}{\partial a_{i}} = \left ( \sum_k \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_k}\frac{\partial a_k}{\partial o_{i}} \right)h'_i(a_i) = \left ( \sum_k \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_k} w_{ki} \right)h'_i(a_i)\]

add layer

\[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial w_{ij}^{[l]}} =\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_{i}^{[l]}}o_{ij}^{[l-1]}\] \[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_{i}^{[l]}} = \left ( \sum_k \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_k^{[l+1]}} w_{ki}^{[l+1]} \right)h_i^{'[l]}(a_i^{[l]})\]

For the last layer, for square loss

\[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial a_{i}^{[L]}} = 2(h_{L,i}(a_{L,i})- y_{n,i})h'_{L,i}(a_{L,i})\]

Using matrix notation greatly simplifies presentation and implementation:

\[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{W}_l} =\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{a}_{l}}\boldsymbol{o}^T_{l-1}\] \[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{a}_{l}}= \begin{cases} \left( \boldsymbol{W}^T_{l+1} \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{a}_{l+1}}\right) \circ \boldsymbol{h}'_l(\boldsymbol{a}_l) & \text{if $l<L$}\\ 2(\boldsymbol{h}_{L}(\boldsymbol{a}_{L})- \boldsymbol{y}_{n})\circ \boldsymbol{h}'_{L}(\boldsymbol{a}_{L}) & \text{else} \end{cases}\]

where $\circ$ is the element-wise product(Hadamard product).

Full process of back propagation

initialize $\boldsymbol{W}_1, \dotsc, \boldsymbol{W}_L$ (all 0 or randomly). Repeat:

  1. randomly pick one data point $n/in [N]$
  2. forward propagation for each layer $l=1, .\dotsc, L$
    • compute $\boldsymbol{a_l = W_lo_{l-1}}, \quad \boldsymbol{o_l=h_l(a_l)}$
  3. backward propagation: for each $l=1, .\dotsc, L$
    • compute

      \[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{a}_{l}}= \begin{cases} \left( \boldsymbol{W}^T_{l+1} \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{a}_{l+1}}\right) \circ \boldsymbol{h}'_l(\boldsymbol{a}_l) & \text{if $l<L$}\\ 2(\boldsymbol{h}_{L}(\boldsymbol{a}_{L})- \boldsymbol{y}_{n})\circ \boldsymbol{h}'_{L}(\boldsymbol{a}_{L}) & \text{else} \end{cases}\]
    • update weights

      \[\boldsymbol{W}_l \leftarrow \boldsymbol{W}_l - \eta \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{W}_l} =\boldsymbol{W}_l - \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}_n}{\partial \boldsymbol{a}_{l}}\boldsymbol{o}^T_{l-1}\]

More tricks to optimize neural nets

Many variants based on backprop

  • SGD with minibatch: randomly sample a batch of examples to form a stochastic gradient
  • SGD with momentum ···
SGD with momentum

initialize $\boldsymbol{w}_0$ and velocity $\boldsymbol{v}=0$

For t=1,2,…

  • form a stochastic gradient $\boldsymbol{g}_t$
  • update velocity $\boldsymbol{v}\leftarrow \alpha\boldsymbol{v}- \eta \boldsymbol{g}_t$
  • update weight $\boldsymbol{w}t \leftarrow \boldsymbol{w}{t-1}+\boldsymbol{v}$

update for first few rounds:

  • $\boldsymbol{w}_1 = \boldsymbol{w}_0 - \eta\boldsymbol{g}_1$
  • $\boldsymbol{w}_2 = \boldsymbol{w}_1 - \alpha\eta\boldsymbol{g}_1-\eta\boldsymbol{g}_2$
  • $\boldsymbol{w}_3 = \boldsymbol{w}_2 - \alpha^2\eta\boldsymbol{g}_1 - \alpha\eta\boldsymbol{g}_2-\eta\boldsymbol{g}_3$


Overfitting is very likely since the models are too powerful.

Methods to overcome overfitting:

  • data augmentation
  • regularization dropout: Randomly delete neurons during training
  • early stopping: Stop training when the performance on validation set stops improving
  • ···

Data augmentation

  • Exploit prior knowledge to add more training data


L2 regularization: minimize, change error to error’

\[\mathcal{E}'(\boldsymbol{W}_1, \dotsc,. \boldsymbol{W}_L) = \mathcal{E}(\boldsymbol{W}_1, \dotsc,. \boldsymbol{W}_L) + \lambda\sum^L_{l=1}\|\boldsymbol{W}_l\|^2_2\]

Simple change to the gradient:

\[\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}'}{\partial w_{ij}} = \frac{\partial\mathcal{E}}{\partial w_{ij}} + 2\lambda w_{ij}\]

Introduce weight decaying effect

Conclusions for neural nets

Deep neural networks

  • are hugely popular, achieving best performance on many problems
  • do need a lot of data to work well
  • take a lot of time to train (need GPUs for massive parallel computing)
  • take some work to select architecture and hyperparameters
  • are still not well understood in theory