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[Notes] CSCI 585 DB Data modeling

Credit to: Prof. Saty Raghavachary, CSCI 585, Spring 2020


  • Data modeling and importance
  • Basic data-modeling building blocks
  • Business rules and the influence towards database design
  • Evolution of major data models
  • Emerging alternative data models and the need they fulfill
  • models classified by their level of abstraction

Standard Database Concepts

  • Schema: Conceptual organization of the entire database as viewed by the database administrator
  • Subschema: Portion of the database seen by the application programs that produce the desired information from the data within the database
  • Data manipulation language (DML): Environment in which data can be managed and is used to work with the data in the database
  • Schema data definition language (DDL):Enables the database administrator to define the schema components
  • SQL does both of DML and DDL

Data Modeling and Data Models

  • Data modeling: Iterative and progressive process of creating a specific data model for a determined problem domain.
  • Data models: Simple representations of complex real-world data structures. Useful for supporting a specific problem domain
  • Model: Abstraction of a real-world object or event

Importance of Data Models

  • Are a communication tool
  • Give an overall view of the database
  • Organize data for various users
  • Are an abstraction for the creation of good database

Data Model Basic Building Blocks

  • Entity: Unique and distinct object used to collect and store data
    • Attribute: Describes an association among entities
  • Relationship: Describes an association among entities
    • One-to-many (1:M)
    • Many-to-Many (M:N or M:M)
    • One-to-one (1:1)
  • Constraint: Set of rules to ensure data integrity

Business Rules

  • Brief, precise, and unambiguous description of a policy, procedure, or principle
  • Enable defining the basic building blocks
  • Describe main and distinguishing characteristics

Sources of Business Rules

  • Company managers
  • Policy makers
  • Department managers
  • Written documentation
  • Direct interviews with end users

Reasons for Identifying and Documenting Business Rules

  • Help standardize company’s view of data
  • Communications tool between users and sesigners
  • Allow designer to:
    • Understand the nature, role, scope of data, and business processes
    • Develop appropriate relationship participation rules and constraints
    • Create an accurate data model

Translating Business Rules into Data Model Components

  • Nouns translate into entities
  • Verbs translate into relationship among entities
  • Relationship are bidirectional
  • Questions to identity the relationship type
    • How many instances of B are related to one instance of A?
    • How many instances of A are related to one instance of B?

Naming Conventions

  • Entity names - Required to:
    • Be descriptive of the objects in the business environment
    • Use terminology that is familiar to the users
  • Attribute name - Required to be descriptive of the data represented by the attribute
  • Proper naminh:
    • Facilitates communication between parties
    • Promotes self-documentation

Evolution of major models

Hierarchical modeling

At first, data was stored in individual files (transitioned from paper). The next improvement was a ‘hierarchical DB model’, where data was structured in the form of a tree [similar to a modern filesystem]. Data, in the form of nodes, are linked in a tree-like fashion. To traverse the tree, we need to know the underlying format (‘class hierarchy, to make an analogy with classes and objects), and the actual path [eg. to relate A1 and D2, we need to traverse A1->B1->C3>D2]. (Notice, add or delete node may break the link, i.e., structure dependent) Hierarchical modeling Hierarchies are good for ‘1:M’ [tree], but not ‘M:N’ [graph or multiple inheritance].

  • Manage large amounts of data for complex manufacturing projects
  • Represented by a upside-down tree which contains segments
    • Segments: Equivalent of a file system’s record type
  • Depicts a set of one-to-many (1:M) relationships


  • Promotes data sharing
  • Parent/child relationship promptes conceptual simplicity and data integrity
  • Database security is provided and enforced by DBMS
  • Efficient with 1:M relationship


  • Requires knowledge of physical data storage characteristics
  • Navigational system requires knowledge of hierarchical path
  • Changes in structure require changes in all application programs
  • Implementation limitations
  • No data definition
  • Lack of standards

Network modeling

A network model is better than a hierarchical one, because it can capture M:N [in addition to the above, another example is ‘products and orders’]. (structure dependence) network modeling

  • Represent complex data relationships
  • Improve database performance and impose a database standard
  • Depicts both one-to-many (1:M) and Many-to-many (M:N) relationship


  • Conceptual simplicity
  • Handles more relationship types
  • Data access is flexible
  • Data owner/member relationship promotes data integrity
  • Conformance to standards
  • Includes data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML)


  • System complexity limits efficiency
  • Navigational system yields complex implementation, application development, and management
  • Structural changes require changes in all application programs

The Relational Model

  • Produced an automatic transmission database that replaced standard transmission databases
  • Based on a relation
    • Relation or table: Matrix composed of intersecting tuple and attribute
      • Tuple : Rows
      • Attribute: Columns
  • Describes a precise set of data manipulation constructs


  • Structural independence is promoted using independent tables
  • Tabular view improves conceptual simplicity
  • Ad hoc query capability is based on SQL
  • Isolates the end user from physical-level details
  • Improves implementation and management simplicity


  • Requires substantial hardware and system software overhead
  • Conceptual simplicity gives untrained people the tools to use a good system poorly
  • May promote information problems

Relational Database Management System(RDBMS)

  • Performs basic functions provided by the hierarchical and network DBMS systems
  • Makes the relational data model easier to understand and implement
  • Hides the complexities of the relational model from the user

SQL-Based Relational Database Application

  • End-user interface
    • Allows end user to interact with the data
  • Collection of tables stored in the database
    • Each table is independent from another
    • Rows in different tables are related based on common values in common attributes
  • SQL engine
    • Executes all queries

The Entity Relationship Model (E-R)

  • Graphical representation of entities and their relationships in a database structure
  • Entity relationship diagram (ERD)
    • Uses graphic representations to model database components
  • Entity instance or entity occurrence
    • Rows in the relational table
  • Connectivity: Term used to label the relationship types


  • Visual modeling yields conceptual simplicity
  • Visual representation makes it an effective communication tool
  • Is integrated with the dominant relational model


  • Limited constraint representation
  • Limited relationship representation
  • No data manipulation language
  • Loss of information content occurs when attributes are removed from entities to avoid crowded displays

The ER Model Notations

More notations: Additional reading: here is information on, and comparison between, four ER notations: Chen, Crow, Rein85, IDEFIX.

O-O databases

Also called ‘object stores’, these dbs offer(ed) a way to store (“persist”) objects on disk. The objects (entity instances) are instanced from classes (entities), like with standard OO programming practice.


  • ‘cleaner’ design - objects mimic real-world counterparts
  • inheritance and encapsulation possible
  • richer datatypes (attributes) available
  • good for CAD, multimedia..


  • harder to query (compared to relational DBs) - no straightforward way to build and traverse relations between objects
  • relations are simpler in certain situations

The RDBMS community collectively ignored this development..

O-R databases

These are a compromise between RDBs and OODBs - they feature an O-O front-end over a relational architecture. Interfacing applications do so in an O-O way, and queries/modifications are translated to/from relational form (“ORM”).


  • easy to access the data from an O-O application
  • queries can be simpler (can use objects’ structure)


  • performance can be poor on account of the two-way translation

Evolution of Data Models Data models have evolved - from ‘hierarchical’ (very rigid) to ‘NoSQL’ (VERY flexible).

Models classified by their level of abstraction

Layered data abstraction

Layered data abstraction

The External Model

An external model is a collection of ‘fragmented’, ‘from the stakeholders’ POV’, modeling of a database.

  • End users’ view of the data environment
  • ER diagrams are used to represent the external views
  • External schema: Specific representation of an external view

External Model

The Conceptual Model

  • Represents a global view of the entire database by the entire organization
  • Conceptual schema: Basis for the identification and high-level description of the main data objects
  • Has a macro-level view of data environment
  • Is software and hardware independent
  • Logical design: Task of creating a conceptual data model

Conceptual Model for Tiny College

The Internal Model

An internal model specifies what type of modeling (eg. relational, NoSQL…) to use for storing the data.

  • Representing database as seen by the DBMS mapping conceptual model to the DBMS
  • Internal schema: Specific representation of an internal model
  • Uses the database constructs supported by the chosen database
  • Is software dependent and hardware independent
  • Logical independence: Changing internal model without affecting the conceptual model Internal Model for Tiny College

The Physical Model

The physical model specifies actual data storage specifics (file format, APIs…).

  • Operates at lowest level of abstraction
  • Describes the way data are saved on storage media such as disks or tapes
  • Requires the definition of physical storage and data access methods
  • Relational model aimed at logical level
  • Does not require physical-level details
  • Physical independence: Changes in physical model do not affect internal model